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Measuring the Thickness of Lithium Battery Electrodes Using High-Precision Laser Displacement Sensors

Measuring the Thickness of Lithium Battery Electrodes Using High-Precision Laser Displacement Sensors


High-Precision Laser Displacement Sensors for Accurate Thickness Measurement of Lithium Battery Electrodes

As the electric vehicle market continues to expand, the demand for lithium batteries is increasing. In the production process of lithium batteries, the thickness of the electrodes is a crucial factor affecting battery performance and safety. Therefore, precise thickness measurement of lithium battery electrodes is a key aspect of the production process. In recent years, laser displacement sensors, as high-precision measuring devices, have been widely used in the thickness measurement of lithium battery electrodes. This paper will introduce the working principle, application scenarios, measurement methods, experimental results, and application prospects of laser displacement sensors in the thickness measurement of lithium battery electrodes.
usage scenarios of distance sensor

Principle of Operation for Laser Displacement Sensor

1. Laser Emission: The laser displacement sensor emits a laser beam directed at the object being measured.
2. Beam Reflection: The beam reflects off the surface of the object.
3. Beam Reception: The sensor's light-sensitive receiver captures the reflected beam, usually at a fixed angle.
4. Triangulation Method: The method is based on the principle of geometric triangulation. A laser beam is emitted by a laser source and directed towards the surface of the object being measured through a lens. The laser light reflected off the object's surface is captured by a receiver through another lens. The position of the reflected light spot on the receiver changes according to the displacement of the object. By analyzing these changes in position, the sensor calculates the displacement using geometric triangulation.
This method is well-suited for high-precision, short-distance measurements, as it can detect even minute changes in the position of the reflected light spot, enabling measurements with micrometer-level accuracy. (To learn about the differences between laser distance sensors and laser displacement sensors, please click here.)
Principle of Operation for Laser Distance Sensor
In the thickness measurement of lithium battery electrodes, laser displacement sensors can achieve high-precision thickness measurement and also detect the surface profile of the electrodes, providing strong support for quality control in the production process.

Method of Measurement for Laser Displacement Sensors

In the thickness measurement of lithium battery electrodes, the specific measurement method of the laser displacement sensor is as follows:
Method of Measurement for Laser Displacement Sensors

Thickness Measurement:

First, fix the laser displacement sensor on the test bench and adjust the distance between the sensor and the measured electrode to ensure that the laser beam can correctly hit the surface of the electrode. Then, operate the control system to scan the electrode with the laser displacement sensor and record the displacement data of each point. By processing and analyzing the displacement data, the thickness distribution of the electrode can be determined.

Accuracy Calibration:

To ensure measurement accuracy, the laser displacement sensor needs to be periodically calibrated. Generally, standard reference blocks can be used for calibration. Place the standard reference block on the test bench and adjust the position relationship between the laser displacement sensor and the reference block so that the laser beam can vertically hit the surface of the reference block. Then, operate the control system to scan the reference block with the laser displacement sensor and record the displacement data. By analyzing and processing these data, the accuracy error of the sensor can be determined and corresponding adjustments and compensations can be made.

Stability Check:

To ensure the reliability of measurement results, the stability of the laser displacement sensor needs to be periodically checked. Generally, long-term monitoring can be used for stability checks. Place the laser displacement sensor on the test bench to scan a fixed measured object and record the measurement data over a period. By analyzing and processing these data, the stability error of the sensor can be determined and corresponding adjustments and compensations can be made.

Advantages of Using Laser Displacement Sensors for Measurement

Through experimental results and analysis, we found that laser displacement sensors have the following advantages in the thickness measurement of lithium battery electrodes:
High Precision: The accuracy of laser displacement sensors can reach the micron level or even higher, enabling high-precision thickness measurement of lithium battery electrodes.

Non-Contact: Laser displacement sensors use non-contact measurement methods, avoiding scratches and deformation caused by contact and effectively preventing measurement errors due to contact.

Fast Measurement: Laser displacement sensors have a very fast measurement speed, allowing for the measurement of a large number of samples in a short time, greatly improving production efficiency.

High Degree of Automation: Laser displacement sensors can be used with automated production lines to achieve automated measurement and data acquisition, reducing labor costs and error rates.

Recommended Laser Displacement Sensors

GFL-Z Series Laser Displacement Sensors
Sensing Distance
30 mm (±5)
10 µm
Analog / RS485
50 mm (±15)
30 µm
NPN / Analog / RS485
100 mm (±35)
70 µm
200 mm (±80)
200 µm
400 mm (±200)
400 µm / 800 µm

Applications of Laser Displacement Sensors

Laser displacement sensors are versatile measurement tools capable of accurately measuring physical quantities such as length, distance, vibration, speed, and angle. Laser displacement sensors play a crucial role in applications such as small part identification, conveyor belt monitoring, material overlap detection, robotic position control, liquid level monitoring, thickness measurement, vibration analysis, collision testing, and various automotive tests.

Related Laser Displacement Sensors

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By converting from the laser into electrical signals. determine various characteristics,distance, displacement, or position.
Laser displacement | COMS Laser Sensor | DADISICK
By converting from the laser into electrical signals. determine various characteristics,distance, displacement, or position.
Laser measurement distance|Laser Ranging Sensor|DADISICK
A laser ranging sensor is a sensor that uses laser technology to measure distance, displacement or position.
DB-Y100 | Laser Detector Sensor | DADISICK
By converting from the laser into electrical signals. determine various characteristics,distance, displacement, or position.

DADISICK si è sempre impegnata in prodotti di sensori di sicurezza di fascia alta, concentrandosi sulla ricerca e sviluppo tecnologico e sull'innovazione di prodotto. I nostri prodotti sono ampiamente utilizzati in settori quali apparecchiature di automazione, produzione meccanica, produzione automobilistica e produzione elettronica, contribuendo a ridurre il tasso di incidenti industriali e a garantire la sicurezza dei dipendenti. Continuiamo a introdurre nuovi prodotti che soddisfano le richieste del mercato, fornendo supporto per la produzione di sicurezza aziendale.

*Servizi di sostituzione: in un mercato altamente competitivo, le aziende devono migliorare continuamente i propri prodotti per mantenere la quota di mercato. Forniamo servizi di sostituzione dei sensori di sicurezza.

*Miglioramento o adeguamento delle linee di prodotto: quando un'azienda entra in nuovi mercati o cambia focus, potrebbe aver bisogno di perfezionare la propria linea di prodotti. Offriamo prodotti di sensori di sicurezza e supporto tecnico per questa transizione.

*Monitorare lo stato di funzionamento delle apparecchiature nel settore dell'automazione , arrestare o regolare tempestivamente le azioni delle macchine per garantire la sicurezza del processo di produzione.

*Monitoraggio della produzione meccanica dei componenti in movimento, prevenzione di potenziali pericoli, salvaguardia della sicurezza dei dipendenti e del regolare funzionamento della linea di produzione.

*La sicurezza nella produzione automobilistica monitora i processi ad alto rischio sulle linee di assemblaggio dei veicoli, migliorando la sicurezza dei lavoratori e l'efficienza della produzione.

*Industria chimica Monitoraggio in tempo reale dell'ambiente di produzione, per garantire la sicurezza nella manipolazione di sostanze tossiche e pericolose.

*Industria alimentare e delle bevande Monitorare il funzionamento delle apparecchiature della linea di produzione, prevenire la contaminazione e lo spreco di cibo.

*Logistica e magazzinaggio Utilizzati per la navigazione AGV e l'elusione degli ostacoli, garantiscono il trasporto sicuro delle merci.

*Nei settori della lavorazione del legno, tessile, della fabbricazione della carta, della stampa, della gomma e della plastica, tra gli altri, i sensori di sicurezza vengono utilizzati per monitorare vari processi di produzione, garantendo sicurezza ed efficienza.