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How to Calibrate the Span of an Overhead Crane Using Laser Distance Sensors?

How to Calibrate the Span of an Overhead Crane Using Laser Distance Sensors?


Applications of Overhead Cranes in Industry

Overhead cranes are widely used in various industrial and commercial settings, including workshops, warehouses, stockyards, ports, logistics centers, construction sites, energy facilities (such as power plants and nuclear power stations), mines, and quarries. Their versatility allows them to meet the lifting and transportation needs of different scenarios.

Overhead cranes are not only used for simple material handling but also play a role in more complex production processes, such as material handling on assembly lines, installation and maintenance of machinery, loading, unloading, and stacking of goods, as well as lifting and installation of construction materials. Additionally, in ports and terminals, overhead cranes are extensively used for loading, unloading, and stacking containers, supporting efficient port operations.

There are various types of overhead cranes, including general overhead cranes and gantry cranes. Although these cranes differ in structure and operation methods, they all operate on a cyclic and intermittent basis. This involves moving materials by raising and lowering the load-handling device, then reversing the movement to return to the original position or a new location for the next cycle.

This article primarily discusses how to calibrate the span of an overhead crane using laser distance sensors.
How Do Laser Distance Sensors Detect Overhead Cranes to Prevent Collisions?

Working Principle of Laser Distance Sensors

Phase Method: Reliable Technology for Medium to Short-Distance High-Precision Measurement

In this method, the source emits continuous modulated waves, and by calculating the phase difference between the emitted wave and the received wave, the distance can be accurately measured. The phase method is often used for medium to short-range measurements, typically covering distances from several centimeters to several meters, with accuracy reaching millimeter levels, though the measurement time is relatively longer.

Phase Method: Ideal for medium to short-distance measurements, with a typical measurement range from several centimeters to several meters, and accuracy reaching millimeter levels. Due to the longer measurement time, it is commonly used in fields requiring high-precision measurements, such as industrial inspection and construction.

Span Measurement of Overhead Cranes Based on DADISICK DA-Y and DB-Y Series Laser Distance Sensors

laser distance sensor
✅ Phase-Based Distance Measurement: Utilizes advanced phase-based distance measurement technology to ensure that the measurement process is both fast and precise, suitable for a variety of scenarios requiring high accuracy.

✅ Precision Optical System: Equipped with high-precision optical components, it maintains excellent measurement stability and accuracy even in outdoor or harsh environments (such as strong light, dust, vibration, etc.).

✅ Multiple Range Options: Offers five different measurement ranges, with a maximum range of up to 100 meters, to meet diverse measurement needs. Absolute accuracy is within ±2 mm, ensuring the reliability of measurement results.

✅ Diverse Communication and Output Options: Supports RS232/RS485 communication interfaces for easy integration with various control systems; also provides multiple analog output options, including 0-5V, 0-10V, 4-20mA, and 0-20mA, to meet different user signal reception needs.

✅ Robust and Durable Design: Features a die-cast metal housing with a sturdy structure, achieving an IP67 protection rating, effectively resisting water, dust, and other external elements, ensuring stable operation in harsh environments.

✅ Intuitive User Interface: Equipped with buttons and a display screen, allowing users to easily set the instrument’s operating parameters, such as range selection and output mode, enhancing operational efficiency.

✅ Wide Operating Temperature Range: Supports an operating temperature range of -10°C to 50°C, accommodating the usage needs in various climate conditions.

✅ Powerful Networking Capability: Supports networking of multiple laser measurement sensors with a computer or other devices, with a maximum connection of up to 64 units, facilitating large-scale measurement system integration and management.
In the lifting system of a crane, ensuring synchronous precision between components is crucial for maintaining equipment stability, improving operational efficiency, and ensuring operational safety. Laser distance sensors, with their high precision, non-contact measurement, and strong environmental adaptability, are widely used for measuring key parameters of cranes. The following introduces how to use laser distance sensors to measure the crane span.

Measurement of Crane Span

The span of a crane typically refers to the horizontal distance between the two main beams (or supporting structures). When measuring the span using laser distance sensors, you can install two sensors at fixed positions on either end of the crane, ensuring they are aligned directly with each other’s target reflector or natural reflective surface (such as a wall). Once measurement is initiated, the laser beam is emitted from one sensor, received by the target at the other end, and reflected back. The distance between the two points, which is the crane's span, is determined by calculating the time taken for the light signal to travel back and forth. This method effectively eliminates the human errors associated with traditional measurement techniques, improving measurement accuracy.
distance sensor

Hot Selling Products

DB-Y100 | Laser Detector Sensor | DADISICK
Measuring frequency: 1Hz-40Hz Communication interface: RS232/RS485 (switchable) Measuring distance: 0.2-100m Measurement resolution: 1mm
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Output method: PNP/analog/485 Resolution: 1mm Measure distance: 0.1-50m Reaction time: 50-200ms
GFL-Z400N-RS485 | Laser Beam Sensor | DADISICK
Response time: up to 1.5ms Output type: RS485 Measuring center distance: 400mm Measuring range: ±200mm
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Response time: up to 1.0ms Repetitive accuracy: up to 2µm

DADISICK si è sempre impegnata in prodotti di sensori di sicurezza di fascia alta, concentrandosi sulla ricerca e sviluppo tecnologico e sull'innovazione di prodotto. I nostri prodotti sono ampiamente utilizzati in settori quali apparecchiature di automazione, produzione meccanica, produzione automobilistica e produzione elettronica, contribuendo a ridurre il tasso di incidenti industriali e a garantire la sicurezza dei dipendenti. Continuiamo a introdurre nuovi prodotti che soddisfano le richieste del mercato, fornendo supporto per la produzione di sicurezza aziendale.

*Servizi di sostituzione: in un mercato altamente competitivo, le aziende devono migliorare continuamente i propri prodotti per mantenere la quota di mercato. Forniamo servizi di sostituzione dei sensori di sicurezza.

*Miglioramento o adeguamento delle linee di prodotto: quando un'azienda entra in nuovi mercati o cambia focus, potrebbe aver bisogno di perfezionare la propria linea di prodotti. Offriamo prodotti di sensori di sicurezza e supporto tecnico per questa transizione.

*Monitorare lo stato di funzionamento delle apparecchiature nel settore dell'automazione , arrestare o regolare tempestivamente le azioni delle macchine per garantire la sicurezza del processo di produzione.

*Monitoraggio della produzione meccanica dei componenti in movimento, prevenzione di potenziali pericoli, salvaguardia della sicurezza dei dipendenti e del regolare funzionamento della linea di produzione.

*La sicurezza nella produzione automobilistica monitora i processi ad alto rischio sulle linee di assemblaggio dei veicoli, migliorando la sicurezza dei lavoratori e l'efficienza della produzione.

*Industria chimica Monitoraggio in tempo reale dell'ambiente di produzione, per garantire la sicurezza nella manipolazione di sostanze tossiche e pericolose.

*Industria alimentare e delle bevande Monitorare il funzionamento delle apparecchiature della linea di produzione, prevenire la contaminazione e lo spreco di cibo.

*Logistica e magazzinaggio Utilizzati per la navigazione AGV e l'elusione degli ostacoli, garantiscono il trasporto sicuro delle merci.

*Nei settori della lavorazione del legno, tessile, della fabbricazione della carta, della stampa, della gomma e della plastica, tra gli altri, i sensori di sicurezza vengono utilizzati per monitorare vari processi di produzione, garantendo sicurezza ed efficienza.